A brand new discovery for me. For all of you ladies out there that looooooove your jewelry here is the part time work for you. There are no start up fees. That is what stands out to me about these types of business ventures.
Warning Warning!! If you ever find that you are in a situation where they ask for start up fees, run! Especially if it is strictly an online venture. Obviously there are reputable companies out there that work by franchise such as Avon, or Veract Inc, however, they will be asking you usually to sign up as an independent contractor and will have you meet with someone in person who represents your area, so you can feel more at ease. If it is a strictly online venture that asks you for any sum of money, proceed at your own risk and at my strong dis-recommendation, because just like going to a casino, you should only spend this money if you are willing to lose it all.
Kitsy Lane seems to be great though. Again, I just found this opportunity, therefore I have not had the opportunity to truly and fully check them out, but I am hoping to see some $$$ soon from this new adventure. I encourage you to check it out too. It is free to sign up. It seems easy enough to follow. And then once you get all set up all you have to do is put the word out there and start receiving commissions.
They have their own website set up for you, you pick the basic layout and theme, and then you go through their inventory and pick out which jewelry and accessories you would like to stock. It seems very simple and easy to me and I encourage you to check it out.
I have had great fun with Kitsy Lane. While it takes a long time to go through and set up and customize your store, it is very simple, and fun picking out which items to feature and sending out your flash sale emails to your customers. You can check out my store as an example here.
Shop at my store
Give Kitsy Lane a Try Yourself
If you choose not to sign up, feel free to browse and shop!
NOTE: I am awaiting a payment from them. I will update this post when I do, or if I have any trouble.
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